Collection: 3D Flow Stems

3D Flow Stems are designed to improve air flow in your vaping device and enhance the overall experience. These stems feature a unique three-dimensional design that creates a smooth and unobstructed air flow path, which helps to cool the  cannabis vapour and reduce any turbulence or resistance.

The benefits of using a 3D Flow Stem:

  • Improved flavour: The smoother air flow helps to preserve the taste of the vapour and enhance the overall flavour experience.
  • Cooler vapour: The increased air flow helps to cool the vapour, making it more comfortable to inhale.
  • Reduced draw resistance: The 3D design helps to reduce any resistance or turbulence in the air flow, making it easier to inhale.


Please note:  In accordance with the latest Australian laws governing therapeutic cannabis vaporizers, it is imperative to use this product exclusively with authorised therapeutic cannabis vaporizers. This directive reflects a commitment to compliance, safety, and responsible usage within the context of medicinal cannabis administration.

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